Frequently Asked Questions of Exness Social Trading

Frequently Asked Questions of Exness Social Trading

Can I Link My Regular Exness Account With My Exness Social Trading Account?

If you have an Exness Account registered with the same email address as your Social Trading account, your accounts are already linked - you can log into the Exness Personal Area with your Social Trading credentials to confirm.

Strategy Providers use the Exness Personal Area to set up and manage their Strategies and have their trades made with an Exness account tracked in these Strategies.

  1. Log in to your Exness Personal Area with your Social Trading credentials.
  2. Select Social Trading from the left-hand menu.
  3. Here you can create a new strategy that lets Investors copy your trades.

The Exness Personal Area is exclusively useful to Strategy Providers, as Investors cannot use this area to copy trades and must use the Social Trading app to open investments.

However, if your Social Trading account is registered to a different email address as your Exness account unfortunately they cannot be linked.

Where can I find Exness’ financial report?

At Exness we believe in transparency. Our financial reports are publicly available online on our website in the About section.

Here are a few points to note about our reports:

  • We are audited by one of the ‘Big Four’ global auditors and the largest professional services network in the world, Deloitte.
  • Our financial performance is showcased in the form of two reports - Trading volume reports and Exness’ Funds reports.
  • Both the above mentioned are available on our website. While the former is published quarterly, the latter is published half-yearly.
  • In our Financial Reports section you can also find a graphical representation of Exness’ performance for your preferred indicators like client withdrawals and partner rewards paid out.

What are the account types available for Social Trading?

As a strategy provider, you can choose from two types of strategy accounts -

  • Social_Standard
  • Social_Pro

What is Investment Equity?

When an investor copies a strategy, an account known as an investment is opened that tracks and copies the strategy provider’s trades within a strategy.

The total value of funds in a particular investment, including the floating profit and losses of open orders, is known as the investment equity. In other words, it is the sum of funds transferred to the investor’s wallet should the investor close the investment at that time.